

俚语 what da?

What Da?

Short for What the Fuck in which the "the" in "What The?" is purposely mispelled to make it unique.
Max:Billy where are you going?
Billy:I am going home for some fluffy tacos!
Max: What Da?

What Da What Da?

An exclamation used when one is confused, puzzled, embarrassed, or has no clue what just happened. The repeating of "What Da" is used for sophistication. It does not technically mean What the fuck?
Luap - Mada just dropped a nuke
JD - "What Da What Da?"

what da

Pronounced “Wut Duh” An expression that is not the same as “what the-“. What da is used to convey that what the other person said was stupid.
Person 1: I think that pineapple belongs on pizza

Person 2: What da

What Da Puhrr

A phrase you can use around your parents instead of "what the fuck" and can be goofy with in public to annoy the shit out of them, works especially on teachers.

pronounced: (wut-duh-puh-rrree)
Mom: you failed your math test! You're grounded young man!

Me: What da puhrr

What Da fuck

Slang for " What the Fuck " Usually used in text to save time

What the Fuck is also the meaning for "What the Hell?" Or "Whats happening?"
Text: Hi, I've heard some sound but WHAT DA FUCK IS HAPPENING?

What Da Funk

The nicer equivalent to What the fuck.

See what the fuck.
I don't like What Da funk is going on here.

what da flizzy

What da fuck meaning you’re lost or you need help
What da flizzy how could you do that bro




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