

俚语 what hap?

What hap?

Short for "What happened?"

Can also use it as a greeting by saying "What's hap?"
"WTF? The file transfer was at 90 percent. What hap?"

whats the haps

Regained popularity thanks to Gary Busey in the movie "Beyond the Ring"
Gary Busey (talking to asian crime king pin) "Yo guy! Whats the haps?"

whats the haps

A cool way of saying whats happening or what is going on. Can also be used as a greeting. First used by Sideburns 2003.
Whats the hap? OR Whats the hap man

whats the haps

what's happening
Hey Haulie, whats the haps? North Shore (the movie - 1987!)

whats the haps

a cool way of saying "whats happening"
hey dude whats the haps

What is hap?

A phrase uttered by somebody who has no idea what is happening. Can be used as a funny way of saying wtf.
Originally started in the FantasyBattlefield clan teamspeak.
~FanT members talking over the mic while playing Battlefield 3~

Taj: *raspy voice* Winkly. WINKLY. Get in the car WINKLY

Offal: What is hap?..

whats the haps

An alteration of the phrase, "what's happening?"

Its earliest usage dates back to 1992 when Ice Cube (best known for his lead acting role in "Are We Done Yet?") inquired eloquently about the occurrence of a game of craps.
Tre: Whats the haps?
IC: I don't know, but today seems kinda odd
Tre: Do please elaborate while I listen to Footsteps In The Dark by The Isley Brothers




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