

俚语 what's cookin'?

whats cookin'?

it means or its the same as: whats happening? , whats going on?, whats on the ground?
hey, Rafa! whats cookin'?

ummh, nothing much just chilling!

What's cookin' ?

similar to What's kickin' ?
What's cookin' ? Same old shit on the plate.
"everybody's running, but half of them ain't looking
what's going on in the kitchen, but I don't know what's cookin'" - Coolio(Gangsta Paradise)aka what's cookin' version

what's cookin'?

To ask someone what someone is cooking or what is in the works.
Dude: Hey, what's cookin'?
Man: Not much, bra, just some hot dogs, bra.

whats cookin goodlookin

whenever you see a sexy mama in the kitchen u say hey whats cookin goodlookin?
yeah bro, i said whats cookin goodlookin

You smell what I'm cookin'?

Former wrestler and now actor The Rock coined the phrase "you smell what I am cooking"? when he would try to intimidate his opponent it was his "hook" after talking trash. It can be defined as the following:

1) Do you know my intentions?
2) Do you realize the impact of my actions?
3) Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth
4) Do you smell what I ate recently, as I just farted?
Joe Blow: Hey Joey if you fart again in the car again I'm going to beat you down!

Joey BagOfDoughnuts: Ah I see you smell what I'm cookin'?

Joe Blow: No, but you're going to smell what I'm cooking when i leave you for dead at the next traffic light!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:05:10