

俚语 whiney ass bitch

whiney ass bitch

WAB ... a narcissistic female or even a male who finds minor situations or activities to whine or complain about to others around them
I don't like this bar because the beer isn't perfectly chilled and I'm bored because I'm a Whiney ass bitch

Whiney Ass Bitch

A narcissistic individual or usually a group of individuals who find minor situations or activities to whine or complain about to others around them. Most noticeably when their situation is not appealing to their favor.
I want 3 ice cubes not 4, this is bullshit! I'm leaving because I am a whiney ass bitch.

We are the KAW clan New Age, we are a group of dedicated whiney ass bitches. We can't stand having to pin ourselves on epics and we can't take the cock out of our mouths long enough to stop pinning ourselves on epics. We love to bitch about every little thing, even though it's our own fault.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:01:10