

俚语 whip it out

whip it out

v. inf. A common phrase used to describe the occasion of a man suddenly producing his penis, often when completely unexpected and for no reason whatsoever.
Jim: See the game last night?
Dave: Yeah, United were unlucky to lose.
Jim: Think they'll sack the manager now?
Dave: They might have to. What do you think Gary?
*Gary whips it out*

whip it out

when a male takes out his penis at an unexpected moment
Danny whipped it out on danielle and she was shocked at it large size!!

whip it out

Pull out one's penis, cock, virile member without further ado.
So ya say ya want some head. Whip it out, buster!

whip it out

The act of a man "whipping out" his penis, in the general presence of others. This is generally for the use of urination when a functioning toilet is not available, although the term can be used in a sexually suggestive context.
Because Jim had an irrational fear of being tipped over while inside a Porta-Potty, he reluctantly had to whip it out behind the bushes at the local softball game.

whip it out

when someone says whip it out they mean i wanna suck your dick
your hot ,whip it out baby!

whip it out

When you show either your Penis or breasts in front of others. Whichever you have.
Peter Griffin: Gloria Ironbox and Camille Paglia are whip it out and see whoose is bigger.

whipping it out

removing ones dick from their pants in a very quick manner
that loser always whips it out at random times




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