

俚语 white boys

white boy

a boy that is white
im a white boy

white boy

Usally a term used bye a race other then white. Can be used in a derogatory manner, but not always. Sometimes it's just used to call out to a white person in a non derogatory way.
DEROGATORY: Sit down you fuckin white boy!

NON DEROGATORY: "Yo Slim! You know your my favorite white boy, right?"

white boy

an insult to use on wiggers
"WHITE BOY!!" Christie yelled at the school wigger.

white boy

A turm used To demasulate a White man By inplying that other races of men are men and whites are boys!
Any White man who allows Him self to be called a white Boy by so called friends or associates is week and lacks self esteam and deserves exploitaion

white boy

durogitory term used to describe a white male.
check out dat cracka ass white boy foo.

white boy

A pretty shitty 'insult' if you can even call it that, because if you call someone a white boy, it is usually because they are white and are, indeed a boy. If you called a white girl it then it might be a little different.
Black dude-You know what you are a fucken' white boy!
White guy-uuh yeah, i know...
black guy-yeah uhmmmm...

white boy

Something I'm sick of being called, even though I'm an extremely nice person.
"Look at that stupid ass white boy over there! Let's jump him!"




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