

俚语 white dog

White Dog

Western Australian Slang.
Simply a word to describe someone who has rejected an idea, proposition or not agreed to something.
Doesn't have a literal meaning to either words, however can sometimes be linked to the word "Dog" or "Dog Act".
Person 1: Want to go to the beach?
Person 2: No thanks.
Person 1: White dog...

Person 1: Were is that $2 you owe me?
Person 2: Don't have it.
Person 1: White dog...

white dog

freshly distilled whiskey. when whiskey comes out of the still it is clear, it isn't until is has been aged in wood casks that it turns brown and develops it's signature characteristics. white dog is basically low proof moonshine.
I got a sample of white dog at the whiskey distillery, it was surprisingly good

Crusty white dog

That dog all the rich families have. They are tiny, have curly white hair, and nasty crust around their eyes. This crust is actually dried tears and mucus (ew wtf.)

White girls can often be heard bragging about their “super cute and adorable dog” and in reality, it’s this mortifying, dried crust of a creature. This dog seems to never know when to die and will live for an unearthly amount of time.

These dogs are often named “Bella” or “Coco” and they are more officially known as Maltese Terriers.
Your family owns a crusty white dog.

white dog shit

a product of the 1970's,white dog shit was everywhere! it was all over the place because once upon a time high quantities of chalk were addded to tins of dog food therefore when a dog would take a shit after a few days in the sunshine the poo would dry out and eventually turn white. nowadays pet food manufacturers don't use chalk in their food and this is why we don't see any more white dog shit lying around.
bring back white dog shit it's so nostalgic.

White dog poo

White dog poo - An iconic by-product of the 1970s: the decade of explosive colour and outrageous fashions. With towering platform boots, garish floral patterns and ridiculously long wing collars to compete with, pet food manufacturers quickly got on board. By combining a large dose of bone meal they created a poo which put the pooch back in synch with its owner. Unfortunately as the decade came to a close, the poo became dull and brackish in line with the sober fashions and bleak economic outlook that followed. There are those who believe that returning to the days of white dog poo would be a return to the halcyon days of our era. It is said that one such person is the politician Jeremy Bernard Corbyn. Whether he will succeed will depend upon a generation not even born then. However, knowing how colour attracts youth, there's every chance we'll be seeing glistening little white logs littering our streets again someday soon.
This country has no prospects anymore. If only we could go back to the days of white dog poo when there was hope and optimism and people celebrated being alive.

Dirty wet white dog

A trashy white girl that thinks she’s black and eats hot Cheetos, also walks in to class everyday smelling like weed
Damn Angelaya’s a dirty wet white dog

White Chili Cheese Dog

This is a three step process:

Step 1) Man A titty-fucks a woman

Step 2) Man B hovers and takes a dump over the chest of the woman

Step 3) Man C proceeds to jerk off and cum on top of the chest of the woman.
"Yo, me and a couple of my boys shared a woman last night! "

"Oh yea, how'd that go?"...

"We did the white chili cheese dog."

"Oh? Please tell me more..."

"You'll have to refer to urban dictionary, it's a process..."




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