

俚语 whitemud boy

whitemud boy

a crazy motherfucker. Occasionally seen busting ass on Whitemud Drive on a rickety-ass bicycle amongst cars going 80+ km/h. A true homie and beast in every sense of the word. Can be found in and around the Edmonton area.
Bob: That dude is a total whitemud boy. I bet he has a huge hog.

whitemud boy

a crazy motherfucker. Occasionally seen riding rickety bicycles down Whitemud Drive amongst 2000lb vehicles going 80+ km/h. Once one reaches whitemud boy status, he shall always be a whitemud boy. Legends say whitemud boys have balls of steel. The Talus Balls in Edmonton, Alberta are, in fact, a memorial to whitemud boys within the city. Each time a new member is initiated, two new balls are added to the monument.
Bob: That dude is a total whitemud boy. I’m kinda hard now.




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