

俚语 whiteninja

white ninja

The act of disappearing home from a night out without saying goodbye, usually at a nightclub.
I got back from the bar and my best mate was gone, He must have done a white ninja.

white ninja

A series of comics that are full of satirical commentary on controversial worldly issues. These comics can be enjoyed by all, even the stupid.
Ninjas can kill anything

white ninja

Quite possibly one of the greatest web comics EVER! Cheaply drawn, but it adds to it. Funny beyond a doubt, excellent through and through.
If you don't like white ninja, then WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?

white ninja

its only the funniest web comic in the whole history of the internet everyone should go read it immediatly and laugh for ever www.whiteninjacomics.com
white ninja and the spiders that got him at last

white ninja

Chuck Norris, also known as Walker the Texas Ranger.
The white ninja would totally own Bruce Lee.

white ninja

the worst comic ever invented, id rather urinate onto my mothers dead corpse and have sex with her while watching jay leno then read this comic
person 1: "hey man you read that white ninja comic?"
person 2: "no fkn way man, id rather urinate onto my mothers dead corpse and have sex with her while watching jay leno then read that comic"

white ninja

Street term for SARS. Ninja alone as known as AIDS, because it will always kill you. The white ninja refers to SARS in Asia, referring to the chinese people.
"Yo, yo that chinese man has the white ninja!!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:31:39