

俚语 white syndrome

White Syndrome

A male or female, that for one reason or another, feels the need to be dating somebody of the opposite or same sex all the time.
oh man, that guy has a bad case of White Syndrome. He just broke up with his girlfriend, and now his going out with another chick

snow white syndrome

When a dude will only have sex with white girls. The inverse of jungle fever
Damn that nigga Tom ain't never fucked a black girl I think he got Snow White syndrome

Walter White Syndrome

The state of being able to freely do terrible things for a long time because people believe you to be too nice and/or weak to perform them.
"How did Bill Cosby get away with raping so many women for so long?"
"He was America's dad Jim, he's got Walter White Syndrome."

Skyler White Syndrome

The theorized phenomenon that fans of a story will be hypercritical and unfairly nitpick minuscule parts of a character in a minority in order to mask and deny their subconscious hate.
*playing a game*
Person 1: I'm not sexist, man! I just don't like the woman from the Battlefield V trailer cause it was unrealistic that she had a robot arm! Nobody would have that in World War II. That's my only problem with this game, it was so unrealistic.
Person 2: Yeah... hey check this out, I'm standing on top of a galloping horse with a flamethrower!
Person 1: Oh dude that's so cool!
Person 2: Okay I think you have Skyler White Syndrome.

White But Syndrome

When the topic of racial inequality comes up and invariably someone white says “I agree that there is some discrimination but..”. And the real issue never gets examined.
Karen regularly uses White But Syndrome to change a Black Lives Matter discussion to a Blue Lives Matter discussion to an All Lives Matter discussion...

White girl syndrome

A privileged white girl who has certain tendency's to self diagnose herself with mental illness’s to feel quirky, unique, special, or for attention
White girl: Omg I think I have PTSD!!!
Normal person: Why???
White girl: Because whenever I think of lice my head itches!

. .
White girl syndrome

White Belt Syndrome

White Belt Syndrome is when someone acts and tries to convince people they have a Black Belt rank and or were a Spec Ops soldier of some sort, who are full of shit and aren't even athletes nor ever really train.

A person with WBS will typically claim to have a Black Belt under someone in another far away state that's unverifiable or they say their unit and what they did in the military is classified and can't tell you anything else. Other common symptoms of WBS are posers who like to buy MMA gear they'll hardly ever use, just to show it off to their friends and make up stories of how they went undefeated in some made up Boxing or MMA organization that no longer exists. (Which never did exist.) Another common symptom is they like to dress in camo and like to prance around in public places so everyone can see how much of a wannabe soldier they are. People who suffer from WBS like to have the glory of dedicated fighters and warriors, but not put any effort or dedication into truly becoming one.
I don't understand why you invite Rob over. All he ever does is talk about how great he is and goes on and on about how lethal his hands were in MMA and how he was a mercenary sniper with 500 kills. I don't think I ever seen such an out of shape poser with that bad of White Belt Syndrome in my life!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:53:03