

俚语 whiti


Well hello, Whiti. You are my foetus. You are the foetus of my foetus, Foetus.
There's Whiti, she'smy foetus


(verb) To have the whities:
Being so high that you're feeling like dying and loose colour to your face.
"I smoked so much ganja last night that I began feeling the whities, I don't ever want to smoke again."


To be far too stoned to the point of the room spinning, far more extreme than rawhide.
Dont have a whitie.


An insult to a person who is very white.. listens to no rap, listens to country, rock, and ..... other white.. stuff....
JEss and zachy are Whitys more then anyone in the world!


A drug induced sickness
extreme vomiting and illness
cold sweats etc.
omg did you see that kid whitie last night?

Yeah man, he was chonged


A word to describe a stereotypical white person

Also a word to describe a redneck white person
I bet tom holland is one of those whities who claps when the plane lands


the term used in general for white people, but is now used sometimes to replace the man by other races, see example below. Someone who is called whitie is usually being opressive.
Non-white person: Damn whitie! He's always keeping me down.




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