

俚语 whocares

who cares

the answer to every question in the world
why is the sky blue?
who cares

who cares

no one
who cares? nobody does.

who cares

The pussy version of "Who gives a fuck."
Guy 1: "What's 5 x 3?"

Guy 2: "Who cares?"

Guy 3: "Man you're such a pussy, it's 'Who gives a fuck'. God, don't you know how to swear?"

who cares?

The thing you say when you don't give a shit
p1: I'm a docter!
p2: who cares?
p1: *sad noises*
p2: shut up

who cares?

the feeling of indifference when something happens to or around you.
My girlfriend gets constantly mad at me because i watch football instead of paying attention to her, but Who Cares?

Who cares

A remark adressing female attire that, despite breaking dress codes or rules of decency, is commonly accepted due to the atractive nature of the wearer.
"what's with all the chicks wearing booty shorts and tight-ass tank tops?."

"who cares?"

who care

A less sincere version of who cares. You can just throw it around to bother people. Usually does the job at owning people in arguments.
Aryan: hey can I play a song
Claire: who care




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:53:29