

俚语 wicap's


WICAP (wi kap) White Irish Catholic Amazing People. This organization was created by Liam and John as an apt response to what is commonly referred to as WASP (wasp) White Anglo Saxon Protestants. Though WICAP's international power is yet to be tapped, its potential is evident. Under the omniscient guidance of Liam and John, (Creators and Co-Presidents) WICAP is poised to make a big splash in the early to mid twenty-first century in the fight for a free Ireland. Eire; WICAP, though created beforehand, is a subdivision of AIICAP (ay kap) All Inclusive Irish Catholic Amazing People, which gives a chance for Irish minorities to feel more connected with their Irish roots.
WICAP has agreed to aid in underground funding of the IRA.
Considered a political group, WICAP gains its military power from its treaty with the IRA in the mid twenty-first century.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:06:26