

俚语 wiggle room

wiggle room

1. flexibility

2. a reduction or elimination of a burden that makes things hard
You need a little more wiggle room to clear those hurdles.

wiggle room

retro terminology for

the nature of given situation when a regular person is free to make the most of things by relying on his judgement and flexibility

freedom from unnecessary focus on irrelevant details in scope
That bastard Bob didn't give me any wiggle room in the board meeting.

wiggle room

the space a man has created in a woman from frequent sexual incounters
wow ive created alotta wiggle room in you babe!!!

The Wiggle Room

When a man pins down a woman with his knees on her arms and ejaculates on her face. This in turn only allows the woman to wiggle around to avoid said facial.
Individual #1: Oh man I brought Sarah to the wiggle room last night.
Individual #2: Duuuude... you snag any pictures of that?
Individual #1: ....

Wiggle Room

The time you allot yourself to do "important things" before meeting up with your girl.
Dude 1: How'd your date go last night?

Dude 2: I almost missed it, got caught up wiggle roomin'

Dude 1: You mean Jacking o....

Dude 2: Getting important stuff done, right o




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