Used when expressing love or affection to a significant other, although It could be used as a battle cry initiating a duel when used in a high pitched or loud wail. If you hear this type of “Abababah,” please get in a fecal position and avoid movement since you may be at a high risk of being charged by an angry couple. It may not matter if you have provoked them, but they will be most aggravated when a young child is in their vicinity. If you happen to be a child that was punted by a member of the pair, then it is too late for you.
A - “i love you!”
B - “ababababah!”
A - “goo goo gah gah”
A - *flying through the air at mach speed noises*
B - “ababababah!”
A - “goo goo gah gah”
A - *flying through the air at mach speed noises*