

俚语 wikipedal


To use Wikipedia articles, with either no or very few changes, in an attempt to submit it as a college or high school paper. Some teachers will catch it and destroy your academic standing and some teachers have no clue and will commend you for your excellent work.

These articles are often filled with blatant lies that we never notice because we do not read them in full.
"My options were nap or write my paper. I napped. Now I have to wikipedal the entire thing."

"I pray to God my teacher doesn't catch me wikipedalling. If she knew I wikipedalled I would be in serious trouble."


"Damn, Russ, your boundless knowledge is wikipedic!"


One who crawls around wikipedia mercilessly editing and pointing out inacuracies of articles, esp. those that nobody cares about.
Wikipede: Good God! Somebody didn't cite their sources in the article about the 1972 Slovakian election!


A virtual disease normally contracted as a result of repeated and unnecessary editing of wikipedia/blog entries and content. Also see god complex.
I have wikipeditis 'cause I can't stop editing my post.


The force that resists the importation of knowledge into a wiki, with especial reference to Wikipedia.
The wikipedance of a wiki channel varies as the ratio of the effective electuremotive force to the effective current of communication.


A person who updates Wikipedia immediately after a breaking news story regardless of how mundane and/or apocryphal it may be.

Derived from Wikipedia (a Web site that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users) and Pedant (a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning).
You mean to tell me you were online Saturday night at midnight updating Wikipedia's Scotty Bowman entry after rumours of his impending hiring by the Toronto Maple Leafs? Man, you're not only a wikipedant, you are a loser!


A cyber disease in which a Wikipedia surfer tries to avoid Wikarpal Tunnel Syndrome by "ctrl-clicking" the blue reference links which appear as tabs within their browser, and inadvertently creates too many tabs. Symptoms include complete confusion and the reading of information with the mistaken understanding as to what topic the information pertains to.
I opened so many tabs the other day that I almost crashed my browser. I must suffer from a bad case of Wikipeditis.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 0:46:04