

俚语 wild dicks

wild dick

woman having oral sex on a man while he has his cock in his hand is whipping it around all around her mouth and face and she cant et a hold of it.
John grabbed Jane by her hair when she was on her knees and made her suck his wild dick

Wild Dicks

A flock of dicks that have no rules, float free, and are typically found in open fields wet, swampy areas. They can only be caught with two master-balls. Once caught, use a hydropump to suck out the valuable juice within.
Hey Lauren! Let's go dick hunting! There is a field where I know a bunch of wild dicks float.

Wild dick snake

Basically how Uncle Edward was born

His dad was a mexican trafficker, his mom was a lesbian, his dad got buttfucked by 10 monkeys in total while his mom was cucking him by riding a gorilla making him watch as her dad got him pregnant through his implanted vagina, and then 9 in the half months later: Uncle Edward was born as a Emo Femboy with titties.
My uncle was born through a wild dick snake!

tom wilds dick

tom wilds dick can mean you have a tiny dick or a none existed dick
you defo have a tom wilds dick




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