Wilkes Central
A whole bunch of rednecks and hoodlums mixed together
Wilkes central a crazy ass school
Wilkes Central
A bunch of ratchet ass, dick sucking, sex seeking bitches who can’t keep they coochie clean
Mannnn wilkes central crazy fr
central wilkes
A bunch of porch monkeys who think their rich and love to rape EC kids with damn brooms because they are cruel
Central wilkes is a huge inbreed fest
central wilkes
A bunch of porch monkey bitches who stick brooms in peoples asses with stanky ass coochies
central wilkes has massive cotton pickers.
Central Wilkes middle school girls
A bunch of attention seeking bitches who try and steal peoples mans.
Central Wilkes middle school girls are whores
central wilkes
a whole bunch of rachet hoes and rednecks who will do anything for a little bit of clout
central wilkes rednecks.