

俚语 willgetty


A Willgetty is a dick. He acts like a homosexual, however, he insists that he is straight when he is asked. Everyone knows he's gay because he always tries to kiss men. His only friends have pushed away from him because of his homosexual tendencies. On the other hand, Will is a good friend. He has a history of making super racist jokes, but he is always forgiven because his other friends are racists too. A Willgetty is a massive pervert, he dreams about giving his crushes blowjobs and always acts inappropriately. He loves humping everything. In addition, he is a backstabbing, rumor-spreading, liar. However, he sticks with his friends because he is really funny. Although there are obviously many things wrong with him, Willgetty is a great guy. He always makes his friends laugh and is smart as well.
Willgetty, you are so gay, why did you try to give Max a blowjob?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:24:20