

俚语 wil's

Wil Wil

Another name for a willy (penis).
Julian - She said my Wil Wil was HUGE!

Chris - I wish my Wil Wil was as big as yours... :(


Wil is the most adorable, absolute kindest person on the face of the earth. They’re the the kind of person you could stay up with for hours talking to and never run out of things to say. They get excited over the little things in life, and they can easily bring a smile to anyone’s face. But of course if you cross them, they’re the kind of person who could crush you easily as well.
“Who’s that person? They’re so pretty and sweet.”

“Oh, that’s Wil; they just light up a room, don’t they?”


Wil is a nice and caring person . he always knows what to say or do in a situation. He is extremely talented and a good listener. You will never meet someone like him who is the same. Wil gets bullied but he always knows how to get the bullies back. He is strong and resilient . If you talk behind Wil’s back he will come for you and tell you exactly what he thinks.
Wil is awesome. Wow you are so nice Wil


He is young. He is free. The artist archetype in all the best ways.So secure with his feelings and heart it surprises you. Oh he's still a man and is hopeless unaware of everything. Oblivious as fuck; infuriating but it doesn't matter in the end. If you come across this man: never let go.
He's your Wil forever. Deal with it


is a mortal god who should be worshiped by other will's and Williams, he is likely the stupidist person on the planet but is hella good at gaming
P1: hey your an idiot
Wil: do you know im Wil


A really big ass because he won't date me.
Will you date me ?
No my name is Wil.


A hot sexy guy who is a total horn dog which is good for me cause so am I.
Wil what's that in your pocket, ooh that's for me, thanks




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:02:07