

俚语 winder


A person thats a mommas boy incest
Was bullied at school nykka
Multiple suicide attempts suicidal mongoloid
Issues with their own body manboobs egghead basketball head eunuch
I'm a winder. I should go do some doxxing to make myself feel good inside.
Momma's lost interest in me because my head looks like a oversized basketball.
At least i have suicide if i need it.


A word meaning window in the deep south.
Close the damn winder. The raccoons are tryin to git out again.


1.Person who takes it up the ass from a phenomonon known as "Teh quota", and "Teh Eldridge"

2. A fucking moron.
1. Man, that Winder sure is a little whiny bitch.

2. Gah, more rules? Damn you Winder!


The sonic drive thru term for window.
"Don't chu open up that winder, don't chu let out that brender"


Abbreviation of 'Sidewinder'
Abbreviation of wordSidewinder
1. In tenpin bowling, a gutter ball.
2. A person who is well-known for often sending down such gutter balls.
(Also: Sidewinder, Winder)
Oh no, another Winder. Maybe Sidey should try bowling like Special.


A redneck term for "window."
"Who the fuck that is peepin' in my winder? I sell hot dogs like a vendor."


Redneck Version of "Windows". The glassy things that you can normally see through that fill in some of the big holes in the walls of you house or mobile home. The other things are called doors.
Cletus cleaned the winders to ours new trailer.




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