

俚语 winklegreff


a small ammount of *dirt* in a proximity or facinity of a clean and sterile environment another phrase for this could be a tad of greff.
Ryan: you have some winklegreff on your T-Shirt want me to remove it from your clothing items?
Gabe: uh uh ah ah. Bannana!!! WINKLEFUDGE!
Bernie: Gis Some scratchies no winkle greff on it tho g
Mchann: im fat
leon: all girls are the same, ill eats winklegreff

Calum: I have winkle greff on my gold bars, javier(butler) come clean it this instance.
Joe cullan: my toe is full of winklegreff.
ellison: JaEdEn!!! Clean your winkLegreff

Ben: Look at all this winklegreff on my brown carpet




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:53:18