Someone who refuses to hold a steady job for longer than 3 months at a time in an effort to dodge paying child support. Contact with children is usually irregular and would rather be partying than spend time with their kids. Often called a wimperling due to their spineless additude towards work.
Little boy: Mom, my dad quit his job again.
Mom: Why?!?!
Little boy: He said because of extreme circumstances.
Mom: Oh "extreme circumstances" huh.
Little boy: yep...
Mom: your daddy is a damn wipperling!
Girl 1: Casey quit his job again...
Girl 2: That boy aint nothing but a fuckin' wipperling, doesn't want to pay to support his kids! Prick aint nothing but a sperm donor and needs to give up his rights.
Mom: Why?!?!
Little boy: He said because of extreme circumstances.
Mom: Oh "extreme circumstances" huh.
Little boy: yep...
Mom: your daddy is a damn wipperling!
Girl 1: Casey quit his job again...
Girl 2: That boy aint nothing but a fuckin' wipperling, doesn't want to pay to support his kids! Prick aint nothing but a sperm donor and needs to give up his rights.