A small quiet town with no stop lights, but with plenty of bars to visit. Usually sluts come out of this area, but only the girls that were born there. Assholes also are born from this area. But for the most part a nice place to live. As long as you don't mind having your business known by everyone!
Sign ahead reads Wittenberg 1mile BLINK shit did we just pass it, whatever oooh look a slut!!
The calling of a legendary revolution for makind. A Beacon, a torch, a star, and a family with nothing to lose. However the world is theirs for the taking.
The story of the family of wittenberg
Wittenberg University
A highly prestigious liberal arts university in Springfield, Ohio known for hot girls, excessive amounts of alcohol, relentless parties, bar crawls, and anything else that doesn't have to do with getting an education
It took me five years to gradate.
I went to Wittenberg University!
I went to Wittenberg University!
Wittenberg University
A highly prestigious liberal arts university in Springfield, Ohio known for hot girls, excessive amounts of alcohol, relentless parties, bar crawls, and anything else that doesn't have to do with getting an education.
I go to Wittenberg University.
Maya Wittenberg
Sexiest person alive oh my god they are so fucking hot I scream without the s
Omg! Is that Maya Wittenberg? She’s so fucking hot