

俚语 wizard's sleeves

wizard's sleeves

Large, flappy vaginal lips. Look like a Wizard's sleeves
That ho's wizard's sleeves were dangling down by her ankles, dude!


an extra large and cavernous minge.
as he began to shag her he realised the entrance to her nunny was like a wizards sleeve.

Wizards Sleeve

When a ladies lower region has been hammered that much it has expanded and seems to have no end
"her snatch is like a wizards sleeze"

Wizard Sleeve

Used to describe large, hanging or dangling labia.
As in "Holy cow! Check out the wizard sleeves on that broad!"

wizards sleeve

A baggy fanny (may have an echo). usually showing signs of age and wear,in to which your wand fits, easily, but is far from a magical experience.
# is akin to throwing a sausage down the Channel tunnel
# See bucket fanny
why that slag of mine has such a large wizards sleeve she cant fit the sagging mess of a minge skin and piss flap in her pants so it hangs and whistles when she walks, leaving a smell of decomposing fish downwind

wizard sleeves

Curiously large and therefore flappy, vagina lips.
"That bird last night was equipped with some monstrous wizard sleeves!"

Friend 1 - "What was her minge like?"
Mentally Scarred Friend - "Her pish flaps were huge!"
Friend 2 - "Wizard sleeves!"

wizard's sleeve

n. similie. A huge twat, akin to Gandalf's cloak in lord of the ring's, from which one could feasibly magically produce a rabbit, a deck of cards and make the empire state building dissapear. See also clown's pocket, welly top
"I nearly lost my head in her wizard's sleeve"




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