

俚语 wogan's


A unique breed found in Australia, the average Wogan is something of a hybrid between a bogan, a wog and a wigger.
Wogan is the term used for people, often of Greek, Italian or similar descent, who are obsessed with crappy cars and dress in brands like Adidas, Eminem, Holden or Fubu, often decked out in bling. One celebrity example of a Wogan is Ali G. Likely to be heard saying things such as 'Fully Sick Moite!!'
Person 1: Ugh, check out those guys in that blinged up Commodore over there.
Person 2: Yuck, what wogans.


Australian slang which is a mixture of the Australian slang of 'wog' and 'bogan'.

A 'wogan' is a wog that has migrated from Europe to Australia, assimilated so well that they have rejected the style and class usually identified with Europe and veered towards becoming a bogan. They have absolutely no fashion sense; a day out involves going to the Rugby League, drinking copious amountes of alcohol, being loud and obnoxious and spending time working on their hotted up cars listening to Jimmy Barnes.
Look at her, she is a disgrace to wogs. Her parents had so much class when they migrated to Australia but she has become a wogan.


To have a particularly visible hard-on at a particularly inappropriate time. Named after the broadcaster Terry Wogan, who was seen to be packing a bulging erection whilst presenting 'Points of View' on british national television.
'Bloody hell, I can't believe he's got a wogan at his mother's funeral!'


A cross between a wog and a bogan, hence "Wogan". A rough, aussified, uncultured ethnic person now native to Australia.
Bogan, wog, Aussie, Wogan


Australia Slag: a combination of Bogan (Aussie white trash) with WOGS (Term of endearment for Australians with European background not the same to British racist term). Common phrases 'Yeah nah' 'Straya cant' 'Yeah mate went n got some Sagaanaki'. Also reffered to as 'Bowog'.
Yeh nah he's real wogan, loves him some antipasta while he smashes a VB tinni.


Wog - Bogan = Wogan.

Used in Australia, a Wogan is essentially a Wog who acts just like a Bogan, and is probably a bigger bogan than an Austalian Bogan. For example has everything from the mullet, to the thongs, to the short shorts and even the accent. There is no set criteria.
Fuck, look at my cousin he's such a wogan aye. Haha blends right in.


To have a manhood so large, both in girth and in length that it is incredibly visible through a mans trousers. Best displayed in tight fluorescent shorts for a flattering crotchal illusion.
"Did you see Father Jonathon walk past then?"
"Fuck me, he was packin a wogan"




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