A high ranking officer (often the CEO) in an organization whose narcissistic need to appear "woke" eclipses his/her intelligence, common sense, obligation to stockholders or employers or even the welfare of the public at large. Wokexecutives are easy prey (or perhaps willing accomplices) to nearly any race hustler, poverty pimp or environmental whack job with whom they come in contact. The possibility that their behavior will ultimately lead to the downfall of the company or their dismissal rarely occurs to them--they generally wouldn't care anyway, because of "golden parachutes" which have been pre-funded. In no other setting is wokiocy more blatantly obvious.
Despite the fact her company is losing customers and just had to lay off a third of its workforce, that wokexecutive (pronounced woke zeck' you tiv) just doubled down on the contributions to an organization that decries capitalism in its mission statement!