

俚语 wols


Abbreviation for Warriors Of Light. The Warriors Of Light are beings throughout our world that aid those trapped in the darkness and dispare of doubt, fear, and depression. These beings give effortlessly and abundantly source energy to those that must have it in order to reconnect to their true highest selves. The WOL represent the human incarnation of sources special forces for good. The WOL is an unstoppable force.
WOL motto, “Darkness does not destroy the light, it defines the light.”


Waste Of Life.

A special breed of humans, created through a mistake by evolution. Not many exist since they dont procreate.
Not all WOF's are male, but off the type that ventures online, 100% is infact male
(rule 16. There are NO girls on the internet.)
They have a lot of time since their mental and physical disfigurations keep them from having any
form of a social interaction outside of the anonymousity offered by the internet.
A WOL is not born, but spawns whenever trash meets toxic waste.

You recognice a WOL by its flames, trolls, large collection of collectables and if you see one in real life, their physicall appearance will burn your eyes.

Only way to get rid of a WOL is decapitation. Against more then one, fire is recommended.
"Man, that writer of CAD is such a douche."
"You mean Tim Buckley?"
"Yeah, he is difinitly a WOL"


Short for "Waste of life." It is used to mainly describe swaggots and anyone from Swagistan. WOLs tend to hang out in packs and annoy the fuck out of Anti- Wols.


wheeze out loud. a person who instead of laughing makes a wheezing noise instead and is unable to laugh like a normal human being.
Text from Bobby: thats hilarious i just WOL
Text from Johnny: dont you mean LOL?
Text from Bobby: nah i just wheezed out loud


Like "Laugh out loud" but "whaaaat out loud" for those moments you receive a ridiculous text and you literally scream "What!?!" out loud.
texter: he slept with her...


textee: I Just WOL'd


Jozef: you comming to karaokee tonight
Chris: yeh 100%

Jozef: are you going to sing

Chris:YOUR A WOL ( Waste Of LIFE) offcourse im going to sing you ediot !


Wheezing Out Loud, an exaggerated form of Laughing Out Loud (LOL). Originated from the blogging platform Tumblr. Occasional weirdos will claim that this stands for What Out Loud. Ignore them, they will eat you.
Person 1: "Bromaster Fluffy is the funniest nickname in the universe!"

Person 2: "WOL WOL WOL WOL!"




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:23:41