

俚语 women everywhere

women everywhere

Under 30: Most have their youthful babe appeal. If they're at all good looking, they generally expect men to fall all over them, buy them things and treat them like queens AND STILL PUT UP WITH THEIR BITCHY OUTSPOKEN ATTITUDES! If you marry one and she wants a kid and you don't, you’re gonna be a father anyway. She'll put her wants first and get pregnant anyway.

Over 30 into 40's: They're still on an ego trip and many now are divorced and seek a guy to support her and her kids. If love is one of her priorities, it ain't nowhere near the top of the list. Some women in this age group have already started to let themselves go. They still believe men owe them financial security.

Over forty: Still ego driven they're less selective about a guy's physical appearance, but still have financial security as top priority. This is when many start going to seed, but still believe they're entitled to a 'dancing with the stars' type guy. They're willing to marry up financially, but not down.
Over 50: Many more have gone to seed (porked out) and age is taking its toll. Their sex drive is diminishing. The sun worshipers now look like they're over 70 if they can't afford a face lift. They've assumed the attitude of: 'If he loves me, he'll take me they way I am'. Problem is that the men that will take her as she is, she doesn't want. Most have grown kids, but many have still not severed the umbilical cord because their kids are their security. You may as well have a women with kids still at home.

Over 60: Very very few have their sexual appeal left and having gone thru menopause, their sex drive is diminished substantially (despite what you read and people claim), impulsive spontaneous sex is a thing of the past. Most are now very psychologically protective of themselves and not the fun women they were decades ago. (why many men go for younger women) Yet they still carry the emotional baggage they've had for most of their life.


I damn tired of women everywhere with the same shitty attitude, they reek of a sense of entitlement.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:25:01