

俚语 wonging


To cock slap a person while said person is on the ground.

It's derived from a kid from California who was kicked out of high school for sexual harassment. His last name was Wong. He was kicked out for sexually harassing girls.

One day during P.E. one kid was running and tripped. He fell to the ground. Wong came up to him, pulled out his cock, and cock slapped him. So "to wong someone" means to cock slap a person while that person is on the ground.
James ran and slipped, so Kenny took advantage of the situation and started wonging him. James was scarred for life, Kenny got suspended.


to ass fuck an oriental
Where's Conrad?"He went wonging!!"


To make a large amount of money
My mate Billy was wonging it after he put 50 quid on Everton to whip Liverpool and won 50 grand!


1. A particularly lascivious bastard
2. One who engages in non-discreet ogling of the opposite sex
3. A person who plants cameras underneath office desks
4. The act of planting cameras underneath office desks
1. Man, that guy is such a Wong!
2. KDub wonged the new girl's cube.


A white guy who gets toyed with by an asian hottie and then is not given any sexual release.
- Man, that smokin' asian was all over you in the club. Wish I was you last night!
- Ya, right. She bolted for home as soon as we left the club. Said her parents had a curfew.
- What, you didn't even get to jack on her bitty asian titties?!? Dude, you've been wonged! That shit ain't right.

wong wong

Penis ;
"Its hanging from her wong wong!"


A surname of an Asian person.
Hello. My name is Janet Wong.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:25:09