someone who can be very creative on things that actually interest him. Easily teased. Can be a curious lil monkey so watch out for the endless questions! Cute and caring. Love animals. Hottest one in the party. Nope sorry he’s taken.
Jimmy: Hey, how was the nightout with Wonmo last night?
Jenny: Oh God, don’t even ask. He poured out questions he wanted ask during the week, and the Sun was up when he finished.
Jenny: Oh God, don’t even ask. He poured out questions he wanted ask during the week, and the Sun was up when he finished.
Beer monster. Serious about food. Easily teased. A loving, caring person who adores animals. Dying to be loved by cats in particular. Outdoorsy. Camping enthusiast. Can be a curious lil monkey when something actually interests him…Watch out for the endless questions! Hottest one in the party. Nope, sorry he’s already taken.
Jimmy: Hey, how was the date with Wonmo last night?
Jenny: Oh God, don’t even ask. He poured out tons of questions he wanted to ask during the week, and the Sun was up when he finished.
Jenny: Oh God, don’t even ask. He poured out tons of questions he wanted to ask during the week, and the Sun was up when he finished.