

俚语 won't stand for it

won't stand for it

a phrase meaning: won't allow it (whatever it may be, and however one defines whatever it is they won't allow).
boy a) I'll borrow money from our parents, Andrew, to play poker with some buddies.

Andrew : I am sick and tired of supporting your stupid poker habit. I have decided on our parents' behalf that i won't stand for it that you borrow money from them. Losing all your money at such nonsense can lead you to doing harakiri

won't stand for it

(Usually I): won't allow it (whatever that it may be, and however one defines whatever it is they won't allow).
boy a) I'll borrow money from your parents, Andrew, to play poker with some buddies.

Andrew : I am sick and tired of supporting your stupid poker habit. I have decided on my parents' behalf that i won't stand for it that you borrow money from them. go get a better paying job.

won't stand for it

Usually I): won't allow it (whatever it may be, and however one defines whatever it is they won't allow).
boy a) I'll borrow money from your parents, Andrew, to play poker with some buddies.

Andrew : I am sick and tired of supporting your stupid poker habit. I have decided on my parents' behalf that i won't stand for it that you borrow money from them. Go get a better paying job.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:15:22