

俚语 wooley


A racial term for an african-american. Referring to the consistency of their hair, similar to wool.
Don King is a fucking wooley nigger.


When a person loses at something .gets his ass kicked
he got his ass kicked .
he got wooleyed.

Wooley Mammoth

Once a woman has passed the age of being a "cougar" (generally 50 plus) she is considered a wooley mammoth. She can still pull guys in their 30s as they think she may still be a coug because she takes good care of herself and looks like she's still in her forties.
Dude, thats no cougar, she's way over 50, she's a wooley mammoth.

wooley rocket

A pyrotechnically modified water rocket.

To make a wooley rocket, you just wrap tin foil around a water rocket and then ultra-fine steel wool around the tin foil.

Pump up the rocket with water and get it ready to launch. Then light the steel wool with a nine-volt battery and send it on it's way.

The rocket looks like a big fire-ball arching across the sky. Have a fire extinguisher ready though when it lands as it will definitely set whatever it lands on fire!
On the fourth of July I set off my wooley rocket and burned down my neighbors house.

wooley booger

appalachian " west virginia / eastern kentucky dialect" for a bigfoot/sasquatch
i was out huntin today and seen one tnem wooley boogers up that thar holler

sedro wooley

Sedro Wooley: A buttfuck Podunk town just south of the Canadian border in Washington state. Best known for its toothless whores and drunken rednecks. If you want to get drunk, bang a 300 pound hag and get an std for a souvenir, this vacation hot spot is for you!
Sedro Wooley: where shaving your beaver is clearly optional

Wooley Booger

A woman's pussy, one that's not shaved
I'm in the mood for a little wooley booger




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