

俚语 woomered


A young boomer.

Someone who has boomer views from a young age.
Person 1: "That guy just fell out his mums womb and he's already acting like a boomer"
Person 2: "Yeah, he's a woomer"


A male boomer individual, who recently had too much contact with female race and it changed him to being feminine with a shitty woman humor.
"Look at this meme bro, the cat has its own bag haha" -Woomer
"What is your humor dude what happened to you bro? Istg, you turned into Woomer!" -Chad
"No dude I know I changed.. I spent too much time with girls..." -Woomer


female coomer
woomer: oh yeah my pants are getting wet!!!!!!!!! oh yeah give me that cock boy!!!!!!


A type of individual that has been physically disfigured and/or at a mental disadvantage since birth or in early childhood, typically used as a derogatory term towards Southern Europeans/West Asians
"heh, that guy looks like a woomer."
"yeah, look at how super hunched he is... like... he looks like a snake or something!"


A window through which an individual yells strange and obscene statements at unsuspecting passerbyers.
I just got woomer-windowed. verb.

He just used the moonroof on my Civic as an woomer-window. noun.

My buddy fell through the woomer-window window. adj.


The act of letting your friends down by not showing up for long planned golf outings. Specifically, ditching your friends golf trip for “work”. Often involves guilt and promises to cancel said “work” meetings but usually ends in disappointment.
Man. Did we really get Woomered?

I thought for sure he would show up….

Nope. Woomered again.




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