

俚语 wordplay


Though most commonly used with reference to rapping/MCing to a beat, how an artist plays with the acoustics or meaning of words for artistic effect within song, written verse, poem or freestyle

This includes the constructing of bars/lines with:

words of double/triple meaning for humour or effect.

words that are not obviously recognisable as rhymes to one another when pronounced correctly yet may share assonance and there for can be used in place of standard rhymes structurally with in a verse.

Also multiple rhyme patterns within lines added for show effect and cohesion.

Wordplay is one of the technical areas that can be assessed when judging how technically skilled an rapper/MC is.

Pharaohe Monch,Big L,Big Pun, Eminem are some examples of MC's whose work can be particually rich in wordplay.
he my sell allot of albums but he aint got good wordplay


When you play around with words to have 2 meanings.

Here are some examples i heard before
wordplay examples
"Ya got 2pac dreams but keep yur head up"
"wearing you out, just another casual-tea(casualty)"


The art of playing on words and how words come together during freestyle rap. Might involve Punches, if not seperetly indicated.

See freestlye
That was some illin wordplay, man!

teacher's wordplay

A joke made by school teacher with the aim of threatening his/her pupils in a stylish manner. These jokes fall flat on their face 100% of the time and only result in the class taking the teacher even less seriously. This disciplinary technique was pretty much outdated before they even started using it, yet still it is resorted to by teachers across the globe who can't control a class for shit.
Examples of teacher's wordplay:

Teacher: "OK, I can see we're having a lovely discussion here... perhaps you can come back and continue your lovely discussion at lunchtime!"
Pupils: "Ha, good one sir."

Teacher: "Right, if you keep talking, you'll be talking your self into a detention."
Pupils: "Ouch, that was cold blooded, sir."

Teacher: "Well, you're all chatting away, so you must all be finished! I guess it's time I set you some extra work!"
Pupils: "Ha, excellent wordplay, sir."

Teacher: "Odd, I asked for silence, but that's not my idea of silence."
Pupils: "I bet it isn't, sir!"

Teacher: "You haven't quite got the hang of being quiet. Maybe we can come back at lunchtime and practice it?"
Pupil: "Ha-de-fucking-ha, sir."

Wordplay Petty

Rated "Class IV" on the Petty Scale, Wordplay Petty is the act of intentionally misconstrueing a normal word or phrase in order to completely change the meaning of the statement. This is typically done on the fly.
Z: You can see into my house! I hate this wide peephole!!!

M: You hate white people??

Z: I hate Wordplay Petty.. -_-

Wordplay Petty

Rated "Class IV" on the Petty Scale, Wordplay Petty is the act of intentionally misconstrueing a normal word or phrase in order to completely change the meaning of the statement. This is typically done on the fly.
Z: You can see into my house! I hate this wide peephole!!!

M: You hate white people??

Z: I hate Wordplay Petty.. -_-




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