name music sex drugs work college internet religion sports food
You were so bored, you decided to type in the categories, didn't you? Ok. You can do that, if you want.
Guy 1: What are the categories on Urban Dictionary?
Guy 2: I know! They are name music sex drugs work college internet religion sports food.
Guy 1: How did you remember that?
Guy 2: I don't know.
Guy 2: I know! They are name music sex drugs work college internet religion sports food.
Guy 1: How did you remember that?
Guy 2: I don't know.
work drugs
Any controlled substance used while at work. Calling them “work drugs” is just an attempt to make it seem like doing drugs at work is a normal thing to be doing.
You seem a little high strung today Bill, did you get into the work drugs again?
Andy often used work drugs on days that he was hung over. . . doctors orders, don’t worry about it.
Andy often used work drugs on days that he was hung over. . . doctors orders, don’t worry about it.