

俚语 blocktopus


a good friend that protects his or her friends from getting into regrettable or dangerous sexual situations
(term comes from using all those arms, or the available means, to block the bad business)

IMPORTANT: This friend is NOT a cock block. The blocktopus only steps in if his/her friends' comfort or safety is at risk.
Example 1)

That guy at the party last night was getting really creepy with Laura, so I had to be a blocktopus and get rid of him.

Example 2)

Dude 1: "Hey, man, what ever happened with that girl from the club?"
Dude 2: "Nothing. I couldn't tell she wasn't into me, so I'm glad my blocktopus was there, otherwise things could have gotten sketch."

cock blocktopus

A person who seems to simultaneously cock block eight people.
Man, our group of eight friends stumbled upon this group of nine ladies, but one was such a cock blocktopus that none of us could get any play.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 23:46:08