

俚语 wowers


n. Short for WoW hour. A WoWer is the perception of time a World of Warcraft player has while playing. A WoWer is generally longer than a standard hour. Most WoWers are at least 2 hours in real time, possibly more, depending on the level of addiction.
Michael played his game for only a WoWer and was surprised it was 3:30am already.

Wife: "Honey, I bought a new teddy for you. Come see."

Michael: "I'll be there in a WoWer."

Wife: "ZZZzzzzzz"


Someone who obsessively plays the game World of Warcraft.
Why do we never see Tom anymore?

He's kinda become a WoWer


A kewler version of the word 'Wow'. Used by only kewl people. Maybe scene kids or punk kids, but surely not someone like you.
Wowers thats uberly awsome, man.


Putting hours on the Blizzard game World of Warcraft aka WoW. Combining hours with wow. Thus creating wowers.
Naw man, I cant come out I gotta put in some wowers before bed


1. To pleasure one-self in the shower

2. To pleasure one-self in the company of Bower
1. "Hey Jack, you have a nice shower?"
"Yeah, i was feeling horny so took a wower"

2. "Damn that was a good wower, but Bower didnt seem to enjoy it"

power WoWer

Someone who plays World of Warcraft way too much.
I made a chair that recycles my waste into food. I AM A POWER WOWER!

Closet WoWer

someone who plays WoW and pretends that they don't so they can be cool with the other closet WoWers. and they wont come out of the closet.
Stefan is a closet WoWer




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:14:46