

俚语 wow really?

Wow really?

A state of disbelief normally coupled with contempt, and in some cases followed by "You Would."
Example 1:

Boy playing COD6: *Gets killed by a predator missile* "Wooooooow really? That kid would single me out."

Example 2:

Boy: So I hooked up with her last night...
Girl: Wow really?
Boy: I also jizzed on her face.

wow really?

something annoying ass horndogs say 24/7
Person 1: I cant believe my grandma just died.
Josh: Wow really? that’s amazing

Wow that was really cool

Wow that was really cool. Wow that was really cool. Wow that was really cool. Wow that was really cool.... The endless loop made by Dani... Remember to Drink Milk
Wow that was really cool. Wow that was really cool. Wow that was really cool. Wow that was really cool...

wow that was really cool

wow that was really cool is a phrase to be used when something is really cool first popularized by Dani
Wow that was really cool - Dani , 2020

Wow, Colorado Really is one Weird Place

What is said right after one finishes a trip or vacation to anywhere in Colorado.
Wife: Did you like our honeymoon to Aspen?
Husband: Yeah, but Wow, Colorado really is one weird place...




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:14:54