A small or brief blog entry, usually anecdotal in nature.
A small or brief blog entry, usually anecdotal in nature.
I use twitter to serve out bloggets all day.
My new shoes are cool, but they don't need a full entry, just a blogget.
My new shoes are cool, but they don't need a full entry, just a blogget.
A self-righteous blogger. Specifically one who thinks she/she is going to save/change/fix the world. More specifically they want to affect positively the things that they deem as being wrong. The get is normally the only ones concerned with their rants are only themselves or those of a small insignificant group. like Musketeers they have an "all for one, one for all!" type of attitude.
Wes thinks people actually care what her writes. He thinks he is gonna change the way people think. He is such a bloggeteer!