

俚语 wuen


A woodland dwelling leg humping creature. Typically will relinquish leg fornication if fed a cracker or a wad of sour dough bread. The Wuen has no preference to leg gender, and will not differentiate between species. The Wuen will often confuse a small tree moving in the wind as a leg to violate.
Person 1: I'm afraid to walk through the forest alone for fear of The Wuen.

Person 2: I understand your concern. If you must traverse through the wooded regions be sure to carry a satchel of crackers. Sour dough bread works as well, but only in small pieces.

Person 1: Will wearing leather enforced pant legs prevent this violation?

Person 2: No. The penis of The Wuen is sharp and needle like. It has the ability to penetrate even the toughest of leathers.

Person 1: Holly Fucking Shit!

wuen fong

another name for joey
Hey it's Wuen Fong.
Lolz I always call that Joey.

wuen fong

used to describe that which cannot be described because it's like totally awesome. is also shortened to wuen.
dude did you see that french gateau? it was full on wuen fong




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