

俚语 wurble


While riding a bike down the hill, when you start to lose control and the front wheel shakes back and forth, sometimes causing a crash.
I was going so fast I got speed wurbles and almost died.


The feeling you have in your stomach when you ate too much
My belly feels wurbly and i could throw up

Wurble durble

Can be used in two ways
1. As an innuendo regarding a game of making out
2. Travelling to the beach
We should play Wurble Durble/let’s Wurble Durble.


vb. to speak clearly and articulately without making any sense whatsoever. Used extensively by consultants or ex-consultants. Frequently accompanied by movement of the arms and hands. See also 'arm waving'
I'm just wurbling here. That's just wurble.


Wurbling (verb); is a smooth movement, similar to jiggling. Performed by squishy, round, and usually soft objects.
It is an overly pronounced form of jiggling and is seen as both innocent and seemingly cute. Wurbling (to Wurble) is exhausting and not commonly done by humans. Which it shouldn't be done by.
"Hey, look at that slime, it's wurbling"

"I love to wurble too."


To be in a momentarily state of fright, confusion and discombobulation.
Honey was sitting in a chair. Ed planned to give Honey a wurble by throwing a pillow from behind at her. However, she was not as wurbled because Ed missed the shot.


Wurble (or wurbling) (verb; noun) The act of softly and smoothly jiggling, in a slow rhythmic fashion.

Wurbling is considered cute and innocent, it is usually performed by slimes or done by plants (when blown in the wind)
"Look at the tree wurble in the wind."

"Hey, it's a wurble, something that wurbles"




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