noun / \\wərst \\ˈfīn\\ˈen\\ˈlē-b\\ ər \\ˈshīn\\
State of being characterized by confusion and mania. German Translation: "I don’t know what I want, but I don’t like what you did; and, even if I did like what you did, I wouldn't tell you until someone else weighs in— so that I know I like it."
Can some times appear as hedging when middle-management simultaneously gears up to take credit for a project if it goes well, or blame it on underlings should it fail.
State of being characterized by confusion and mania. German Translation: "I don’t know what I want, but I don’t like what you did; and, even if I did like what you did, I wouldn't tell you until someone else weighs in— so that I know I like it."
Can some times appear as hedging when middle-management simultaneously gears up to take credit for a project if it goes well, or blame it on underlings should it fail.
Suffering from Wurstfeinenliebershein, the Network Executive sabotaged his own program by giving contradictory, evasive, and confusing orders.