The dankest of the dank, god of the universe, meme page admin, lord and saviour of the depressed.
lil n*gro: do you follow xdankset_boi on instagram ?
grandma: no lil n*gro, who is this?
lil n*gro: then you dont belong any longer to this family. *dabs*
lil whiteass: omg are you xdankest_boi?
xdankest_boi: yes *dabs*
grandma: no lil n*gro, who is this?
lil n*gro: then you dont belong any longer to this family. *dabs*
lil whiteass: omg are you xdankest_boi?
xdankest_boi: yes *dabs*
The dankest boi of them all
Is xdankest_boi really the dankest?
8ball: Yes
8ball: Yes