

俚语 xennial


Xennial is the new term for the microgeneration of people born between 1977 and 1983.
For many of us "older millenials", we have always resented the term. It has become synonymous with being entitled, apathetic, and self absorbed. Many Baby Boomers see them as a blight on the nation, which has sparked some pretty funny memes. As an older millennial I always resented being lumped in with this group. You see, we came of age before social media and iphones, we were raised in an analog world, and dropped into a digital universe. We are xennials.


A micro-generation between Gen X and Millennials born from 1977 to 1983, and can be extended from 1975 - 1985, who are a mixture of both generations
I don’t feel like a hardcore Gen X or Millennial, meaning I’m a Xennial


A terrible word used by early Millenials (born circa early 1980s) to disassociate themselves from those other younger millenials and to tell their Boomer parents and Gen-Xer elder siblings that they aren't like those other young people, they're not cringe, or whatever it is young people use today, they remember what it was like when VCR was king and TVs were made out of cathode tubes and there was no Internet.

Fallen out of disuse when those so-called Xennials realized that it doesn't matter how not-cringe you are, they're still gonna kill you with wage theft, student debt, and all the other tools of generational class war at their disposal.
Unlike those other Millenials, I am a Xennial, and I know what it is like to live without smartphones glued to my face every day.

No one cares, Kathy, we're all getting murdered with student debt, just lift your picket sign higher and shout louder.

Ok Xennial

When a person from the Gen X era complains about almost everything, the elder Gen X are basically like boomers but younger.

Whenever some random 40 year old makes random statements about almost anything, hit em back with it.
Xennial: kids nowadays are trash, they play on their cellphone doing stupid challenge on the internet and not outside.

Zoomer: Ok Xennial




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:26:59