When you get warned or muted by YAGPDB (Discord)
I just got yagged because I sent a link. What a jerk.
I don't like that server because you can get yagged every five seconds there.
I don't like that server because you can get yagged every five seconds there.
Which means “you ain’t getting your shit back”
When a law enforcement agency seizes all of your property and assets.
When a law enforcement agency seizes all of your property and assets.
I got arrested and they searched my house and took my stuff. When I asked them when I would get my things back.
The officer answered: YAGS
The officer answered: YAGS
Combination of yacking and nagging. When your girlfriend/wife is killing you verbally for hours and won't shut up or let you sleep because of something you did.
Man, my wife has been yagging me all day and night for forgetting our anniversary. I didn't get any sleep last night.
Yag means you are so gay, even gay guys think you look backwards
Yo, that guy, John, is so YAG
An act of defiance, a troll, created and used by the Chatty boys from Canada. It is Pronounced “Yug” often screamed in public. If somebody yags you back after you yag, you know you have a beauty.
Buddy’s about to get Yagged.
These kids can’t even yag.
These kids can’t even yag.
(Gay Backwards)
(Gay Backwards)
Lmaooo, Yag ass nibba
Gay backwards, used to call sum1 or something gay when u dont want otha peeple knowing..more specifically ur rents
Ur so yag dude!
That's so yag! wtf r u thinking man
Ha Dennis is yag
That's so yag! wtf r u thinking man
Ha Dennis is yag