Yak n’ back
When you’re partying so hard that you need to yak and get back to the party in record time.
Gotta pull a yak n’ back real quick.
yak 'n stay back
The yak 'n stay back is the act of vomitting before the bar because you are far too drunk. However, not to be mistaken with the "puke 'n go", the yak 'n stay back involves never making it anywhere. Followers of the yak 'n stay back are left home alone in the bathroom/bed/floor/pool of vomit, and left to fend for themselves, as no one wants to take care of that. Friends of the yakker have a good time without him/her because he/she really isn't all that fun anyways.
Sam: I think I have to pull a "yak 'n stay back" tonight. *vomits more*
Amanda: Peace.
Amanda: Peace.