

俚语 yalam


Is the meaning for people with really fat ass with the name khairul. These people modify their bikes and skatboard all day in your neighbourhood and disturb you by shouting at you saying ' Eh kau bodoh la sial' Something like that
Kok Wei kai and family are yalam


a group of idle losers playing soccer in your neighbourhood all day and making lots of noises. FYI, they are most of the time, black in colour.
thaddeus is a Yalam


Yalam are people that likes to loiter around corridors and corners after school, while smoking and riding e-scooters.
A group of Yalams were spotted taking drugs in the corner.


A type of unproductive person that doesn't give two hoots about deadlines.
T: Hey have we gotten feedback from her?

K: Nope
T: Oh no why so? Our report is due tomorrow
K: She's a yalam remember?
T: Ah right.. that's understandable


a nice way to call your malay friends cause malay - yalam.
its backwards dumbass
Oi! It's my yalam, Solihin! How you doing bro?


He who creates fake facebook accounts of a celebrity and then in a laughable attempt to fantasize about being the celebritiy's romantic other half, is stupid enough to publicly list himself as that celebrity's boyfriend on facebook, so that millions of people can witness his stupidity.
A yalam, from Malaysia, in action on facebook:

his unique user link is: facebook dot com/billyjt
the user id of the fake account he created is: facebook dot com/profile.php?id=100000078430483


And they usually have a dumb friend called "Zachery Zheng". They are usually from Indonesia. They are dumb. They will usually bustard you.
Don't be like Yalam please.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:46:17