

俚语 ya like jazz

Ya like jazz?

1#pick up line of the century
Hey Ya like jazz?

Ya like jazz?

Famous words by Barry B. Benson, asking if someone likes jazz as a conversation starter.

The Bee Movie.
Barry - "Gotta say something"
Barry - (Thinking)
Barry - "Ya like jazz?"
*Woman gaps*
*Plates fall*

Ya like jazz?

One of the first sentences in the bible, written by our lord and saviour, Natalie Durham.
Me: Hey Natalie, did you hear about the new b...

Ya like jazz?

A flirtatious line first used in the bee movie that is used to attempt to turn on a woman.
P1: Ya like jazz?
P2: Yes I do

Ya like jazz?

Daisy’s language which means: an old meme from “the bee movie”. An overused meme that you hear everywhere and can be squeezed in any occasion.
Daisy comes in the room screaming loudly Ya like jazz? ? I understood she had a lot of illnesses after that

Ya like jazz?

A quote from the horrible movie "BEE MOVIE" that has seemed to become a meme
Person 1: Ya like jazz?
Person 2: *Slaps person 1* Fuck off

ya like jazz

The iconic line in the movie, "The Bee Movie", spoken by the legend Barry B Johnson to his future lover.
*drops plates*




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