

俚语 yarful

Yar yar

the act of messing something up so bad you want to cry
I yar yarred our date and now I’m really sad

Yar Yar

It’s the same as yeah or yes.
Sally: do you want a hamburger
Mayson: Yar Yar


Hasn't anyone ever seen Kate Hepburn in <i>The Philadephia Story</i>? Yar - when a boat is trim, responsive, and in all ways lively in handling.
"My, she was yar."


1. Pirate's greeting.

2. Interjection used by pirates.

3. Expression of great joy.

4. Jubulant greeting.
1. "Yar, maties, to-day we sail to the Dry Tortugas!"

2. "Yar, whirrs me cutlass? I got an itch, yar. Yar, I need to do laundry!"

3. "YAR! I just won the lottery!"

4. "Yar, Fred, hows it going?"


The traditional, affirmative pirate-speak usage of "yar" has become antiquated. The contemporary definitions are as follows:
1. Among snowboarders and skiiers, it is a synonym for the colloquial word "gnar," referring to snow.
2. Drawing off the previous definition, yar has recently started to represent coke (cocaine) (aka snow).
1. I shredded so much yar today. The pow was fresh!
2. Let's call up your dealer to buy some yar.


In languages of Urdu (spoken in Pakistan) and Hindi (spoken in India) it means a friend. Similar to the word "bud" or "buddy" in the English language.
1- Hey yar, whats chillin!


A word to express acceptance or agreement. Can be used in place of "yes". Mostly used among pirates.
Guy: You know what I mean?
Dude: Yar.





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